Maru Raksha

Maru Raksha Maru Raksha Maru Raksha

Maru Raksha, Sri Lanka The demon of death’s mask is described in this verse Glaring with both eyes - shaking his two black sets of teeth Frightening the people - Now comes the cruel demon of death.

The ancient demon of death mask shown by Nandadeva Wijesekera has a very fearsome appearance. In this, there are two eyes and a nose of the same size with openings in them.There are pointed teeth and two tusks in the mask with birds in the ears. All the same as in other demon death masks, there is a crown attached to the forehead with four snake faces fixed to it. On the head are two uraga(reptile) figures. The face takes the colour of a parrot it is stated. Another feature of this mask is that it has human picture in its mouth and the mask has been created with two ears on either side of the face. Accordingly the maru raksha( demon of death) masks of different dance troupes are different in designthat it has human picture in its mouth and the mask has been created with two ears on either side of the face. Accordingly the maru raksha( demon of death) masks of different dance troupes are different in design

Maru Raksha Maru Raksha Maru Raksha

【LK94008820: Maru Raksha. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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