Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.

Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.

Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Maschere Raksha dello Sri Lanka
Una maschera raksha è una maschera che gli abitanti dello Sri Lanka usano molto nei festival e nelle danze culturali. Raksha significa «demone» e le maschere sono apotropaiche, il che significa che hanno lo scopo di allontanare il male. Sono dipinti con colori vivaci, con occhi sporgenti e lingue sporgenti e raffigurano vari tipi di demoni.
Le maschere raksha sono l'aspetto finale del rituale Kolam e sono un omaggio ai Rakshasa, una razza che in precedenza governava lo Sri Lanka e poteva assumere 24 forme diverse. Ma vengono eseguite solo alcune di queste forme, alcune delle quali sono:
Naga Raksha
Cobra that captures its enemies and makes them slaves
Gurulu Raksha
Hawk or Eagle that rescues the captives from the Naga
Maru Raksha
Maru Raksha is described the demon of death.
Rathnakuta Raksha
On the head of the red mask is a large snake hood.
Gara Raksha
This mask is used in perahera rituals to cure sickness etc..
Ginidal Raksha
Fire Devil that projects anger and wards off evil
Mayura Raksha
Peacock that brings peace, harmony and prosperity
Dwi Naga Raksha
Twin Cobra Devil that brings protection from all evils and danger
Mal Gurulu Raksha
Flowery Eagle that brings fame and fortune