Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ayurveda Name: Gambheera Vatha Raktha

Type of illness: Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease affecting primarily the joints of the hand and feet, which become swollen and painful. If not treated in its early stages, it may result in deformity and difficulty in movement.

Causes of illness: Ayurveda states that dietary factors, alcohol abuse, mental stress, and obesity are some of the causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Dietary factors include excessive use of sour, salty, pungent tasting foods, spicy food such as chili and oily foods. Due to the above causative factors Vatha dosha and Pitha dosha aggravate and cause impurities in the blood.

The toxic substances, which are absorbed into the blood, collect in hands, legs and finger joints due to gravity.

In the beginning joints get swollen, painful and stiff. This is very prominent with the little joints in hands, legs and fingers. Redness of skin can be seen on the joint. Sometimes itching and burning sensation is experienced and perspiration may increase or decrease.

If not treated immediately, the muscles, ligaments, synovial membrane of the joint remains swollen and joints become extremely painful. In the next stage, the cartilage of the joint can get damaged and calcium deposition can take place. This leads to deformity of the joint. The disease can then spread to other joints.

    Specific symptoms:
  • In the beginning the disease affects the small joints in fingers.
  • Pain in joints. Pain is at its worst on awakening in the morning and it may decrease with movements.
  • Stiffness of muscles around the joints of the finger so that the joint tend to curve. At the beginning, the stiffness is more in the mornings and could be present for several hours.
  • Fatigue and general malaise, increased or decreased perspiration.
  • Later stages - Joint deformity, difficulty in moving the joints, muscle wasting can be seen around the joint.
  • Disease then spreads towards the wrist joints, ankle joints, elbow joints, knee joints, shoulders, hip and spine.

Ayurveda Treatment:

    Internal Treatment:
  1. Thripala kawatha: is a decoction, which contains Aralu (Terminalia chebula), Bulu (Terminalia belirica), and Nelli (Phyllauthus embelica). This is given orally, two tablespoons, three times a day. The preparation has mild laxative action and purifies the body.
  2. Chandraprabha vati: Herbal pills called Chandraprabha vati, which contains many herbs and guggulu. The dosage is two tablets, twice a day. The pills have diuretic action and purify the body.
  3. Manibadra powder is an orally taken herbal powder, which has a blood purifying action. Dosage is one tea spoon twice daily.
  4. Special freshly made herbal decoctions: The decoction contains Dummalla (Trichosanthes cucumerina), Katukarosana (Picrorrliza kurrooa), Asparagus roots (Asparagus racemosus), etc. with Eranda oil (oil obtained from seeds of the ricinus communis plant).
  5. Verechana karma (Purgation therapy) is also recommended for rheumatoid arthritis. Oral medicines are administered to induce purgation. It purifies the body and balances the pitha dosha.

    External Treatment:
  1. Vasthi Karma or Medicated Enema treatment is also used when pain is more prominent. Depending on the stage of the disease, medicated oils or decoctions are administrated.
  2. Pinda oil: medicated oil namely, Pinda oil, is gently massaged over the affected joints. This oil is prepared with the base of sesame oil, bees wax, welmadata (Rubia cordifolia) etc. it reduces localized pain and burning sensation and balances the Vatha and Pitha dosha.
  3. Pinda oil: medicated oil namely, Pinda oil, is gently massaged over the affected joints. This oil is prepared with the base of sesame oil, bees wax, welmadata (Rubia cordifolia) etc. it reduces localized pain and burning sensation and balances the Vatha and Pitha dosha.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
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