Thiru Murikandy Pillayar Temple

Thiru Murikandy Pillayar Temple Thiru Murikandy Pillayar Temple Thiru Murikandy Pillayar Temple

Murikandy Pillayaar temple is a must-stop for most travelers who visit to and from Jaffna on the Jaffna-Kandy (A9) highway to invoke God’s blessings and to take rest on the way. Therefore the place got its Tamil name (Muri-break, Kandy-Kandy, shrine ‘Pillayaar’). Pillayaar is the God who removes obstacles. Travellers stop and pray at this temple breaking a coconut to ‘Pillayaar’ who would help to remove all obstacles on their travel

This temple was constructed by mr.kathiresar vaithiyalingam on 1880. Pillayar is major god in this temple. The name murikandy mean muri + vandi is mean broke cart are automatically broken when cross this place after people's start worship this temple they trust their journey will be safe. Still people's trust it all the vehicles will stop here pray god and take a small rest and start their journey. Pea nut is very famous here.

【LK94009664: Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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