Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate)

Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate) Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate) Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate)

A rare endemic butterfly which exists between 1200 and 800 feet where bamboo trees are found.Sexes show sexual dimorphism. Male has dark brown dorsal surface, whereas female pale brown coloration. In male, dorsal surface is unmarked except few small dark eyespots. Ventral surface is heavily shaded. Tornal area possess a series of eye spots ringed with purple. In female, dorsal surface possess creamy brown sub apical stripe on forewing. Series of large eyespots and wavy lines found on the sub marginal area of hind wing. Host plant belongs to family Poaceae such as Arundinaria debilis.


Dark brown with upper surface of the wings being unmarked except for faint dark eyespots on the sub marginal areas and tornal areas of the hind wings. Underside is heavily shaded and the sub marginal area of the wings carry a series of eye spots which are framed in speckled purple and helps to distinguish the butterfly from the tree browns.


Paler than the male with creamish brown sub apical stripe on the forewing and series of large eye spots and waves at the sub marginal area of the hind wings. Underside is similar to the upper side except they are diffused.

Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate) Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate) Ceylon Forester (Lethe dynsate)