Sethsuwa Pranajeewa
Sethsuwa Pranajeewa medicine is the most sought after product at Sethsuwa Hospital. It is used both in Sri Lanka and the world over. It was the Buddhist monk Venerable Waga Gnanaloka thero who first treated his hundreds of patients with his traditional medicine, obtained from his Ola leaf inscriptions passed down from generations.
Capsule Sethsuwa Pranajeewa Miracle
Capsule Sethsuwa Pranajeewa Miracle
(SKU: LS4000D09C) Seguendo una formula registrata più di due secoli fa, il Sethsuwa Pranajeewa Miracle Oil contiene oltre duecento erbe naturali che si trovano nelle foreste dello Sri Lanka. Le erbe vengono raccolte a mano e lavate, tagliate e asciugate e poi fatte bollire in cinque tipi di olio per oltre quattro mesi per produrre l'olio miracoloso. Sebbene alcune erbe utilizzate per l'olio siano ben note agli abitanti dello Sri Lanka, altre sono rare e sconosciute, il che rende questa miscela unica.Il Sethsuwa Pranajeewa Miracle Oil non contiene sostanze chimiche, coloranti o conservanti nocivi. Può essere usato esternamente per contusioni, tagli, ustioni e vari dolori offrendo un sollievo immediato. Pranajeewa sembra anche fermare l'ingrigimento precoce e la caduta dei capelli, mentre i test hanno dimostrato che non causa alcun effetto
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Sethsuwa Pranajeewa is made according to an ancient herbal formula that dates back to over 3000 years. The current formula was recorded over 200 years ago and remained unchanged. It contains over 200 herbs from deep in the Sri Lankan forest.
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The fresh hand-picked herbs are washed, cut and dried to make this medicine which is simmered in heavy stainless steel cauldrons for over four months continuously during which time the goodness of the herbs are absorbed into the five oils.
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The procedure involved in the making of Pranajeewa Oil is accurate, yet it is as ancient today as it was two hundred years ago. The procedure takes an average of four to four and half months. Rare and precious herbs go into the making of the oil.