Regioni del Tè di C

La birra in tazza ha una storia da raccontare. Parla di dolci colline, sole abbondante e province lussureggianti.

In Sri Lanka, le province centrali e meridionali producono la maggior parte del suo tè. Altezze e microclimi variabili influenzano il sapore, il colore, l'aroma e la stagionalità distintivi del tè di Ceylon.

Paese basso (fino a 2000 piedi sul livello del mare)

Le regioni di Ruhuna e Sabaragamuwa sono famose per il loro tè a foglia lunga. Quando si prepara il tè di questa regione, si ottiene una tazza con una tonalità bordeaux e un sapore di caramello e malto. Questo tè nero è popolare in Medio Oriente, nei paesi della CSI e nel Regno Unito.

Paese medio (2.000 piedi ~ 4.000 piedi sopra il livello del mare)

Il tè delle colline nebbiose di Kandy è noto per il suo sapore corposo e una tinta ramata. È uno dei preferiti tra australiani e americani.

Paese alto (sopra i 4.000 piedi dal livello del mare)

Gli altopiani orientali di Uva sono celebrati in tutto il mondo per il suo intenso sapore piccante e rinfrescante.) Uniche a Uva sono le condizioni microclimatiche che consentono ai proprietari di immobili di sperimentare la crescita di nuovi tipi di tè.

Ci sono altre tre province ad alta quota dello Sri Lanka chiamate Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula e Uda Pussellawa. Se ti piacciono i tè aromatici dal carattere morbido, adorerai il tè da qui.

  • This region is twice blessed. It’s blessed during the months of June and September when the southwest monsoon arrives; a cold and dry spell to spur the tea bush to sprout the leaves that will produce a medium-bodied rosy tea graced with subtle character. Then it’s blessed again between November and January when the northeast monsoon’s yearly visitation brings rain in its wake and makes the tea darker in colour and stronger in flavour, adding more tang.

    Uda Pussellawa Tea 
  • It is cool and dry between December and March and then the heavens open up to send in the rains between May and September. Two different climates within each year dictate Dimbula’s tea produce; a host of natural flavours with a hint of jasmine spiced with cypress. The tea when brewed displays a hue of a reddish, golden orange. And when tasted, it’s surprising to find a taste refreshingly mellow. Defined as ‘high grown’ tea, it is probably, the most famous Ceylon Tea of all.

    Dimbula Tea 
  • It’s the climate that makes Uva tea highly prized. The mountainous terrain is exposed to both monsoon seasons; the annual northeast and the southwest monsoons.

    But when the winds reach these climes and howl around its high towers, they blow bereft of moisture – a spent force which had discharged its water content in the hills below.

    The dryness gives Uva tea a special concentrated aroma and a distinct exotic flavour.

    Uva Tea 
  • Nuwara Eliya Tea

    From the mist wrapped mountains of Nuwara Eliya that rise from the centre of the island to soar over 6000 feet above sea level, where the morning air is cool and bracing and the nights cold and touched with frost, come the lightest and the most refined. Nuwara Eliya is the champagne province of the country’s tea lands with best imbibed light.

    Nuwara Eliya Tea 
  • It’s not only in the mountains that Ceylon Tea brews best. The region of Sabaragamuwa, geographically placed at a lower elevation, musters a tea that is second to none. The climate which is hot and humid in the open air and moist and cool where the surrounding foliage is dense, serve to produce a dry tea leaf of a dark reddish black hue.

    Sabaragamuwa Tea 
  • Rained on by the southwest monsoon, warmed by the tropic sun, the island’s low lying area’s tea have continuously showed their colours by producing leaves with a distinct blackness which imparts a strong and rich taste to rival the best the rest of Lanka can offer. From the south comes a tea full-bodied in its timbre with its flavour vibrant and strong.

    Ruhuna Tea 
  • This mid country tea grown at 2,000 to 4,000 feet above sea level produces robust, full-bodied teas. Ideal for those who love their tea strong, bursting with flavour: the perfect wake-up tea for winter mornings, or when the heart needs a perky sprint.

    Kandy Tea